Vizicon Technologies
©<%=year(date)%> Vizicon Technologies, Inc.       732-236-8927  
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In today?s dynamic world, businesses have to be able to adapt quickly to capitalize on emerging opportunities. Vizicon's business centric approach to designing and implementing technology ensures the most innovative and cost effective solutions that create an immediate impact on businesses. We help you streamline your infrastructure and reduce or simplify applications, thereby decreasing complexity and reducing the cost of administration.

What We Do

Vizicon can develop small stand-alone to large enterprise wide applications that enhance productivity and create competitive business advantages while reducing costs and minimizing risks. Once competitive advantages have been achieved, we continuously work with you to ensure these advantages are sustained over time.

In addition to providing complete outsourcing solutions, Vizicon can also supplement your IT staff with our knowledgeable consultants. Vizicon?s software architects, project managers, business analysts, technical leads, software developers and testers follow industry specific development methodologies to implement highly reliable and scalable solutions, while adhering to the highest standards of ethics and business conduct.

Without expensive IT overhauls, Vizicon can provide solutions that assist you in meeting today?s needs and position your company for future challenges. Vizicon?s professionals always strive to exceed client expectations through superior technical knowledge. Our clients always report a high level of satisfaction with our services.

Our onsite, offsite and offshore outsourcing capabilities allows you to cut costs and increase speed of project development through a 24/7 delivery model.

Offshore development enables us to tap into a larger pool of skilled developers and cut cost by more than 50%.

Vizicon Technologies, Inc. | 223 Cinnabar Lane, Yardley, PA 19067 | T. 732-236-8927 |